Response to client brief

Thriller Chiller Film Festival from Michigan, USA say that they are looking for a 2-minute opening sequence of an original new thriller movie as it will be a taster to screen at their festival next year. This should all be shot in the UK and this should be aimed at 16 to 24-year-olds, who would be interested in the new thriller movie. To ensure that this suits the audience, I will use More bass music. I will also include some fast-paced scenes so that the audience can be engaged. The advantage of making this product to this audience is that I can include some scenes which show a lot of action. It should include all the conventions of a film opening, which would include the title of the film and the names of all the people who are involved in the film, as well as the names of the people who are involved behind the scenes. Also, the opening should include the techniques from a thriller genre.

The content must be produced by me, however, any use of music of sound effects that are copyright free can be used, but must be referenced in my opening sequence. Due to my initial ideas for the thriller opening, footage that will be used will mostly be from filming footage, which will be done by me. I will take consideration of any legal issues when creating my product.

As for my idea for this thriller opening, I may be inspired by other thriller films in a way to have a good opening to my thriller film. I will include many things that can set up a question for the narrative going forward. As the target audience are mostly young, I will include conventions that can gain the audience interest. 

I will ensure that there is a great level of creativity in my opening sequence. To ensure this, I will have a close-up of characters to connote dominance. I will include dark music towards the end to present the title sequence. I will make use of low angles on the antagonist to connote their sense of power. In order to get the thriller mood, this will be set at night time. There will be some slow camera movements. I may include an establishing shot to the area as a way to present to the audience where the film is going to be set. However, as this is for an opening sequence, the establishing shot won't take up all of the duration of the sequence. As for the characters, I may have them speak in a sinister voice to connote tension in the sequence
